Saved By The Vibe

Saved by the Vibe #2: Feel My Power

by Anya Volz
16 August 2024

Life is all about legacy. In the end, it won’t matter whether you were happy, or fulfilled, or kind at heart, all that will matter is how your peers described you in your senior year superlatives. Absolutely J-fricking-K. Can you imagine? I can’t even remember the first and last names of most of the people that I went to high school with, but my doctors tell me that is actually not a good sign because I am only 24. JK again— I can’t afford MULTIPLE doctors, are you kidding me? I am a freelance writer. I digress, my point is: we here at Le Wand believe in recreating the spirit of senior year superlatives without all baggage of interpersonal politics and “human relationships.” No hurt feelings or lifelong grudges, just good, pure, clean “best of the best” fun. (Which is about the only pure and clean thing we believe in, am I right?) ANYWAY, this month…

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day: The “Feel My Power” Wand!

We don’t want to brag, —although I guess that’s what this entire column is,— but Feel My Power is a little bit of a feminist icon. Not only does she only grace us for International Women’s Day (March 8) every year, but this year she is also simply adorned in artwork by Jade Purple Brown— a New York City-based artist with a name almost as colorful as her art itself. It’s hard to not get a dopamine hit just by looking at the vibe, let alone when you… feel its power. Do you see what I did there? We all have a calling, mine happens to be my way with words. This powerful wand’s calling? Cheering you up, cheering you on, and, most importantly: getting you off! Let’s not let the main event get lost in the feminist empowerment shuffle. You deserve pleasure and this rechargeable wand is all about giving you your recharge, too. If orgasms accompanied by beautiful artwork by a badass woman aren’t enough reasons to brighten your day, then surely the travel bag, bolo tie, stickers, notecards, keychain, magnets, and pleasure guide will do the trick! Annie said it best: you’re never fully dressed without a smile. Feel my Power is, if you think about it, the secret weapon for your most important accessory. (Even if it is hidden under your mask, which it should be!)

Get your own Feel My Power special edition wand massager!

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Saved By The Vibe
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