Remix Your Sex Toy Drawer

July is usually a time for barbecues, vacations, and beach trips. But for many of us, this summer is hitting differently ass we're practicing social distancing and staying at home as much as we can.
By now, many of us have been well-practiced in staying at home and getting the most out of what we have. And while there's so much going on in the world, it's also important to spend time reconnecting with ourselves — and so often, that can look like various forms of self-care.
But for me, part of that important reconnection work is best done with a good masturbation session. But I have to be honest: after a few months of the same routine, the go-to moves aren't working like they used to. There's this feeling of monotony that can creep in, and it's... not fun.
The solution to this isn't necessary to run out and purchase the latest toy (especially when many of our favorite sex toy shops are either still closed or slowly starting to reopen with strict guidelines). But you don't have to. There are a few ways that you can inject some freshness into your toy drawer, using things right in your home.
Here are a few ways that you can start to see your favorite toys in a new light:
Explore Your Erogenous Zones
When was the last time that you not only took your time but actively included... your legs, arms, or stomach as part of your sexual experience?
When most people masturbate, there can be this rushes to get down to the climactic parts — and quite often, even when it's just us, there's this race to orgasm. But that mindset can have us forgetting that our entire bodies can be erotic, as long as we shift our thinking.
It's said that our brains are the largest erotic organ because of the way that it engages our visual and physical touch. But other touches can be incredibly pleasurable and erotic — like touching the back of your neck, brushing up your leg, or being kissed on your collarbone.
So if you want to add some variety into your next sexual experience, spend some time engaging with your lesser-appreciated erogenous zones.
If you want to incorporate toys into this, I recommend wand vibrators. They're my favorite to recommend for beginners because they're truly a versatile toy. And beyond feeling amazing on your clit or penis, wands can also give really great sensations to other parts of your body.
Spend some time exploring what other erogenous zones could use some loving. Foreplay is coreplay, after all.
Temperature Play
So maybe it's not the toy itself that you're feeling bored by, but the ways that you're using it. Part of learning new ways to engage with it in different ways.
With temperature play, experimenting with heat and ice can not jut introduce a new sensation, but it can help you to literally use a toy in a different way.
My favorite toys for this are stainless steel because they hold temperatures so well. You can play with temperature to increase sensations and sensitivity. Before playing, put your steel toy in a bowl/ glass of ice water to get a nice chill and then see what happens when you bring it out to touch against your skin.
REVEALED: 10 Incredible Benefits of Using Stainless Steel Sex Toys
Alternatively, if you're feeling like tapping into the other end of the temperature spectrum, you can use heat to change the sensations that you feel. A massage candle is great for all skill levels, and you can use it to warm up your skin and body before bringing a toy.
Embrace a Vacation State of Mind
So, I'm not suggesting that you go out and plan a full getaway right now. But there are parts of vacation that you can incorporate into the next time you're feeling in the mood.
Vacations are great because they do really positive things to our mood and curiosity. Something about knowing that you're in a new environment and far from your daily life can give you a sense of permission to do things that you wouldn't normally do. There's a reason why most people have an increased sense of freedom, playfulness, and exploration that we don't always have back home.
You don't need to book a vacation to reap those benefits. It's just a matter of shifting your mindset to incorporate those feelings where you are now.
Is there a fantasy that you've been curious about? Maybe you could spend some time searching for (ethical, feminist, and purchased) porn that features exactly that while touching yourself in between scenes. Or maybe it's having a conversation with your partner(s) about the positions and experiences that you want to try once you can meet up again.
Your minds plays a big role in having positive sexual experiences that you may think. And who knows — it might also lead you to use your favorite toy in an unexpected new way to get off as well.